Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Individual Reflection Paper

Individual Reflection Paper

Q instruction for individual reflection paper: Individual Reflection Paper After your group has completed your team charter, each person in your group will then write a 2-3 page reflection paper (not counting cover and reference pages) discussing: (a) what you learned from working on developing the team charter; (b) your thoughts on how the process worked within your group; and (c) the advantages and disadvantages of using this process to create team charters.

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Working in a team can be of varied experiences with lots of learning and challenges flowing in equally, but what really is the best part of team work, is the opportunity to come across so many ideas and creative perspectives, altogether which add to the dimensions of the group project. Developing the team charter was actually easier than expected because all of us were clear on one agenda, the mission to accomplish something as a team, and once we were clear on that, it wasn’t really difficult aligning ourselves to the task. It was really collaborative to divide the work and have a plan running as we used strong communication skills and work division policies to plan our roles.